All Swine and Beef will be sent to a USDA inspected kill plant, harvested, cooled and returned to the local processors. $135 for swine and $225 for Beef will be added to the invoice for this fee. Buyers will still pay the processors they mark on the sales slip for cut and wrap, and a disposal fee.
Jackson County Jr Livestock Auctions for 2024
Live auction format with internet simulcast for all auctions.
3 ways to bid.
- Live
- Online
- Order buyer
Lamb, Goat & Rabbit Sale Sunday June 2nd 1:00pm Olsrud Arena, Buyers BBQ 11:30am Chasion Park.
Swine Sale Wednesday July 17th 7:00pm Olsrud Arena, Buyers BBQ 5:00pm Chasion Park.
Steer & Poultry Sale Saturday July 20th 7:00pm Olsrud Arena Buyers BBQ 5:00pm Chasion Park.
Visit the Current Sale Order page for Sale Order and Results
If you are an online buyer please make arrangements with Jeremy Kennedy prior to the auction for your packer preference. If you don’t notify me, your purchase will be sent resale. Thanks
The Jackson County 4-H & FFA Junior Livestock Auctions showcase our local 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors and their market projects. Through this program, members learn to raise quality animals and develop valuable skills. The auctions provide a marketing venue for their project which is the culmination of 4-H or FFA member’s current learning experience.
The 4-H and FFA programs are designed to teach their members valuable character and skills development. The animal projects teach them the meaning of responsibility, hard work and the basics of running a small business. In addition to regular project meetings and field days, members will invest hundreds of hours over the next year selecting, feeding, cleaning and handling the project animals in order to prepare them for the annual fair. At the fair, animals are then judged by professional livestock evaluators to determine the sale order and give feedback to the exhibitors. This allows members to use what they have learned and apply that knowledge toward next year’s project.
Local businesses, organizations and individuals are invited to participate in the powerful learning experience. Jackson County 4-H & FFA Junior Livestock Auction includes three separate auctions. The Lamb and Goat auction is held at the Jackson County 4-H & FFA Spring Fair. The Swine auction as well as the Steer auction at the Jackson County Fair in July. While projects sell for a premium price, this compensates members for higher small-scale costs and allows members enough profit to invest in future projects or educational endeavors.
We encourage everyone to come to the auctions and make a purchase to help our young people meet their goals and reward them for all of their hard work commitment to becoming the leaders of tomorrow.
When you purchase an animal at the Junior Livestock Auction, you are buying more than a prize-winning animal raised by 4-H & FFA members. You are establishing yourself as a partner in helping young people in our community develop essential skills and attitudes. Most 4-H & FFA members save a significant portion of the funds generated from the sale of their animal for college or their first car.
4-H and FFA Members who participate in a market animal project develop:
- Work ethic
- Responsibility
- Entrepreneurship Experience
- Marketing Skills and Strategies
- Recordkeeping and Financial Management Skills
- Accountability
- Leadership & Teamwork